An Expedition Invitation for Men September 26, 2011
AnExpedition Invitation for Men
The Great Commission requires us to teach othersto obey everything Jesus commanded (Mt 28:20). Think about the breadthof that for a moment. “Teach new disciples to obey all the commands Ihave given you,” Jesus said. Are you equipped well enough to teach others toobey everything Jesus commanded? You probably ought to be. The Savior gaveyou—YOU!—that mission. One of the central goals of the Theology Breakfast is toequip men at that level.
This year we’re going to study the Bible thatJesus used. We’re going to travel back to the forgotten world of the OldTestament and walk through book by book, tracing the contours of the landscape,familiarizing ourselves with the key landmarks, and learning to find our way bythe shadow of our Savior which is always on the horizon. It’s going to be anawesome adventure!
Our travel guide will be William Dumbrell, aBible professor who has taught at colleges in Australia,Canada, and Singapore. Ourmap will be Dumbrell’s book The Faith of Israel: A Theological Survey of theOld Testament. Doug Stuart, another estimable tour guide for an expeditionthrough the Old Testament, describes our text like this:
“Dumbrell packs anenormous amount of theological acumen into this survey. This is the very bestsort of Old Testament theology—one that not only teaches facts about the Biblebut also shows the purpose and meaning of what you are reading.”
Soundslike a promising trip to me!
We’re still going to meet every other week, but thisyear we’re going to have 2 different meeting times: Monday morning6:00-7:30 and Wednesday evening 7:00-8:30. We will beginmeeting on Monday, October 3. The first Wednesday meeting will be October 12.If you’d like to come along, please reserve your spot on the trip by signing upin the lobby.
I hope you’ll join us as we plunge into theoft-neglected world of Old Testament theology. Why? For Jesus Christ – to knowHim and make Him known for the glory of God and the joy of all peoples!