Karl’s Zambia Trip
[Thursday the 18th] I fly to Zambia for two weeks to teach the book of Hebrews to around 50 church leaders at the Lusaka Ministerial College.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to work in the hearts of these men as they study the superiority of Christ in Hebrews;
- The Lord to work in my own heart as teacher, that I would not just give lifeless lectures but myself be amazed at Christ’s supremacy from Hebrews;
- My four preaching engagements in Lusaka churches this and next Sunday;
- Many opportunities I’ll have to encourage these church leaders in conversation, in their churches, and homes;
- Safety in travel and alertness through jet lag;
- Support for Glynn and the kids as they keep the many home fires burning.
Thanks to those of you who know and have prayed for my father. He is now in a good memory care facility nearby where we see him daily and where his increasing needs are being cared for.
Thanks for praying with us on this trip to Africa.
Karl & Glynn
When kids come into foster care, they usually do so with not much more than the clothes they are wearing. Hope & Home is collecting NEW pajamas for kids of all ages, 0-18 years old. Please consider donating to this great cause! Place donations in the lobby, in the bin marked “Hope & Home Pajama Drive.”
A box is available in the lobby all month for your donations.
Plan to join us next Sunday evening at 6:00 as we begin our “Community Connection.” We will have a time for testimonies, a hymn sing and a devotional. We are planning these gatherings for the last Sunday evening of every other month, until our Thanks Praise Dinner on November 21st.
Sunday Service
- March 21 Bulletin.
- We live stream services for those who can’t currently attend and as a backup, Google Meet (also live).