Assisting Christians Facing Famine

We are delighted to let our Parker Hills family know that we are partnering with believers in the impoverished African country of Niger to provide food parcels to them.

Niger is one of Africa’s poorest nations. The country’s economy and personal survival depend on the farming industry and this past harvest season was poor. Compounding this problem, the travel restrictions placed on citizens due to the coronavirus have further hindered the trade of agricultural products. Many from Niger work in neighboring countries and send their income to needy families back home. Borders are closed due to the coronavirus, hindering this essential financial support.

Missionaries Ken and Julie Faulkner (from Elizabeth, Colorado) work with local churches to provide food parcels (rice, corn, beans) to around 1,800 poor believers in southeast Niger. Our elders have communicated with the Faulkners about their detailed feeding scheme. Julie Faulkner is a good friend of Jen King.

Their feeding plan seeks to help the neediest families among 13 local churches survive through the end of the year, until the next harvest season begins. For $.27 per day, each person can be fed adequately through 2020.

PHBF is contributing a one-time gift of $10,000 toward this project. A total of $54,000 of the needed $99,000 has been raised for this need. If you wish to further contribute, you can do so at

Thanks for your generous giving to our church which allows us to help our dear brothers and sisters in their time of need. Contact Karl Peterson or Jen King to know more about this project.


There is a similar effort under way for central and northeast India by Aatma Vikas Mission (where Mark Hendriks works).  Aatma Vikas means “self development” in Hindi.  The organization promotes economic empowerment and meaningful employment.

Some background on India’s challenges with the pandemic:  BBC: India’s Pandemic Lockdown Turns into Human Tragedy

You can donate to Vikas now or contact Mark Hendriks to learn more about this project.