Announcements for September 6, 2020


  • September 6 Bulletin
  • We meet in the gymnasium and use the auditorium as an overflow room.
  • We live stream services for those who can’t currently attend and as a backup, Google Meet (also live).
  • We begin live streaming about 5 minutes before the service begins.
  • Parents of  kids graduated from high school (18-23) that are away from home or living at home. Please send me Ronnie McKay your children’s names, university (or program including GAP year students) or current life status, address and food allergies.

Camp Elim Annual Heritage Retreat

  • Where:     Camp Elim or live streaming at PHBF
  • When:      September 28-29, 2020, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
  • Speaker:  Dr. David MacLeod from Emmaus Bible College.
  • Cost:         Free
  • Registration:  RSVP to [email protected],  719-687-2030 or at
  • Register by:  September 18 to complete required health screening
  • Refreshments and lunch are provided
  • Informational flyer:  Heritage Retreat 2020 Flier
  • Pre-Camp health screening:  COVID-19 Screening – Pre-camp 10-14 day screening

Women’s Ministry Calendar

ReFreshed Night: Friday, September 11 at 7 pm at Stefani Brakenhoff’s home , hosted by Stefani and Rachel Oliver. “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people”. – Philemon 1:7. Come join us sisters as we resume our second Friday of each month Refreshed events, spending time fellowshipping and getting to know each other. This month we will be doing a semi-secret congregational care project. Please bring a tasty treat (about a dozen) that will mail well and $10 to contribute to other items and postage! 🙂 Please RSVP and share what treat you will be bringing so that we can have a variety of items!

Talk-a-Latte: Come join us for coffee and fellowship on Saturday, September 26 at 9:30 am at the Kunjani Cafe at 10009 Jordan Rd, Parker CO. 80134. They have lots of outdoor tables where we can safely practice social distancing.

6th Annual Fall Women’s Retreat: Saturday, October 24 from 9 am to 3 pm. Our own Cassie Call will be speaking on Seeing the Gospel as Found in the Beatitudes. Morning snacks and lunch will be served by Debi Simons. We’ll be doing our “Speed Getting to Know You” game again, along with small group discussions, decorations by Chelsea & Stefani , worship music by Aundrea, plus some free time to play Jenga and have fellowship after lunch. Please sign up in the foyer. $20 per person.        

Secret Sisters: We will soon be adding a secret sisters program for all of our ladies, stayed tuned for further info.

Hebrews Precept Bible Study beginning August 31. We will be studying mainly Hebrews 5-10 for part two of this three part course. Anyone can jump into Part Two this fall. We will be reviewing chapters 1-4. The books are $21, payable to PHBF. Email Susan Holsteen at [email protected]  with any questions and to RSVP.

Book of Romans Wednesday evening Bible study will be starting September 9 at 6:30-8 pm for 26 weeks. We’ll be studying “The Grace of God: A Journey of Discovery in the Book of Romans” by Alan Perkins. Free study booklets will be available in the foyer. Contact Ronnie for more information.      

Help with women’s ministry: Several ladies have volunteered to help organize events, but we still have a few events left that need organizers or volunteers who would just like to help. Openings: baby showers, fall women’s retreat, Christmas banquet, craft times, Camp Elim women’s retreat, or teas. Let me know if you can help. Thanks!        

Hollie Eisenberg’s Crib Shower, Diapers and Freezer Meals: September 15- October 4. Please join us in showering Hollie with diapers and freezer meals for her soon to be born baby girl. There is a crib in the foyer and meals go in the freezer. Thanks so much!