Church Matters. (August 1, 2021)

Good afternoon!

Many hands make light work! Please join us on Saturday, August 7th and 14th at 9:00 AM at David Bartha’s condo (17620 East Loyola Drive, #17216, in Aurora) to help with cleaning and emptying the condo in preparation for its sale. We need many friends to help with moving boxes and furniture and preparing things for storage. Also, if anyone has extra temporary storage space for storing some of David’s boxes, furniture, etc., until he gets situated in an assisted living facility, please contact Ronnie McKay. Please continue your prayers for David.

There will be a Children’s Ministry Volunteer Training time next Sunday, August 8th, in the Fireside Room downstairs, immediately following morning worship. If you are already a volunteer in this ministry, or interested in volunteering, please attend this meeting!

The Fall Schedule will resume our two-tiered meetings starting Sunday, September 12, with Bible Study classes for everyone at 9:30 and Worship Service at 10:30. Nursery care will be available for both times.

Please see the weekly bulletin for further information, prayer focuses and announcements.

Sunday Service Reminders

  • We are meeting in person but the service is also shared online.
  • Our worship service is from 10:00 to 11:30 AM.
  • In addition to the primary live stream we broadcast on Zoom by internet or by phone (1-253-215-8782, 81170161141#).