Church Matters. (July 25, 2021)

Good afternoon!

The Memorial Service for Ralph Whitlock will be tomorrow Sunday, July 25 at 1:30p. You can watch the live stream if you are unable to attend. We did a 5 part interview with Ralph about his life. What a treasure!  During the refreshment time after the memorial service we will have an open microphone to share remembrances of Ralph.  If you are up to it please fill the lower lot first to leave closer in parking available for those who need it most.

The Fall Schedule will resume our two-tiered meetings starting Sunday, September 12, with Bible Study classes for everyone at 9:30 and Worship Service at 10:30. Nursery care will be available for both times.

Please see the weekly bulletin for further information, prayer focus and announcements.

Sunday Service Reminders

  • We are meeting in person but the service is also shared online.
  • Our worship service is from 10:00 to 11:30 AM.
  • In addition to the primary live stream we broadcast on Zoom by internet or by phone (1-253-215-8782, 81170161141#).