Good afternoon!
Daylight Savings tonight!
We will have a Baptism Orientation Class during Sunday School on April 3. If you need to be baptized, please talk to an elder and plan to attend this class. We will have a baptism ceremony on Easter Sunday.
If you would like to be a part of the Meal Train ministry (bringing meals to church families in their time of need, whether that be a new baby, a surgery, or a loss), please contact Jaclyn at [email protected] or 804-338-7499. She will add you to the group rotation. You typically would provide a meal no more than four times a year.
Sunday evening, we will have a Team Preaching service. Six of the men who participated in the Simeon Trust Workshop will present their 10 minute sermon on a section of Exodus. Come to learn and be encouraged.
As you can see from the bulletin, it takes a small army to run the Children’s Ministry each week. If you are willing to help share the good news of Jesus with our children, please see Rachel Oliver or Anna Parkinson.
If you are new to Parker Hills, and would like to learn more about who we are and what we believe, consider coming to the next Membership Matters class on Saturday, March 26 from 9-noon.
Please see the attached bulletin for further announcements and prayer focus this week.
Sunday Service Streaming Reminders
- We are meeting in person but the service is also shared online.
- Our worship service is from 10:30 to 11:45 AM.
- In addition to the primary live stream we broadcast on Zoom by internet or by phone (1-253-215-8782, 81170161141#).