Church Matters || March 27, 2022

Good afternoon!

We will have a Baptism Orientation Class during Sunday School on April 3. If you need to be baptized, please talk to an elder and plan to attend this class. We will have a baptism ceremony on Easter Sunday.

The Mark ESV Scripture Journal is a Bible study tool we’d like to bring to your attention. As we continue through the book of Mark through the rest of this year, this journal would allow you to read, keep sermon notes, your own reflections, questions, prayers, etc. all in one place for this series. Several copies are available in the lobby. Please leave $5 to help cover the cost, if possible.

Update from Karl:

Thanks for praying for my trip to Zambia. The second week of classes in the western town of Mongu finished yesterday. I taught again through 2 Peter and my colleague taught on sermon preparation. The academic level of these 20 students was a bit lower than in Lusaka, but their eagerness to learn and serve was encouraging to watch.

The vast and green Zambezi River floodplain is breathtaking.

I’ve had a good exposure to church planting in Zambia while here. The churches I’m working with have planted about 60 churches in the last 25 years. These Bible institutes are an integral part of training leaders for those new churches.

More teaching and preaching opportunities are in front of me back here in Lusaka, the capital. Then it’s to Cape Town on Thursday to teach at the Bible Institute of South Africa. Glynn arrived in Cape Town two days ago and is already busy with her many friends there.

Thanks for your prayers.

Please see the attached bulletin for further announcements and prayer focus this week.

Sunday Service Streaming Reminders

  • We are meeting in person but the service is also shared online.
  • Our worship service is from 10:30 to 11:45 AM.
  • In addition to the primary live stream we broadcast on Zoom by internet or by phone (1-253-215-8782, 81170161141#).