Church Matters || November 14, 2021

Good afternoon!

Please sign up for the Thanks & Praise Dinner to be held again this year on Sunday, November 21 at 5 pm. Please sign up in the foyer to be part of the headcount and plan to arrive by 4:45 to be able to set your food out before we begin.

Two outreach opportunities: Thanksgiving dinner box to Parker Task Force for a family in need in our community this year. Operation Christmas Child boxes to be distributed to undeveloped countries around the world. Please see the bulletin for more information on both of these opportunities.

The Adult Christmas Banquet will be on Dec 5. Please RSVP in the foyer by Nov 28 if you plan to attend, so that food can be planned.

Please see the attached bulletin for further announcements and prayer focus this week.

Sunday Service Streaming Reminders

  • We are meeting in person but the service is also shared online.
  • Our worship service is from 10:30 to 11:45 AM.
  • In addition to the primary live stream we broadcast on Zoom by internet or by phone (1-253-215-8782, 81170161141#).