Getting together with family this Christmas? Here’s a tip:
Don’t be a Satanist.
I’m not joking, and I’m not exaggerating. I guarantee things will go better for everyone if you don’t follow Satan this Christmas. Let me explain…
Satan’s sin was, of course, pride. He was too jealous of God to enjoy heaven, and too full of himself to remain a citizen there. Satan’s theme song isn’t a Christmas carol, but you can usually hear the lyrics this time of year if you listen carefully enough: “I am most important. I am better. I am right.” If you aren’t careful, you could ruin your own family gathering by singing his Satanic song.
“I am most important.” Singing these lyrics is the quickest way to ruin your Christmas. Pouting over how few or how small your presents are, seething about what someone else said, punishing others when your expectations aren’t met—it’s all Satanic self-importance. It’s also profoundly out-of-step with what Christmas is really all about. The whole reason we are celebrating is because the God of the universe thought more of our needs than His own rights.
“I am better.” This is the song judgmental people love to sing. We might find ourselves humming it when that black sheep cousin slips out for a quick joint or when someone else’s kid knocks over the punch bowl. Unless your family somehow escaped the curse of sin, you’re probably going to see failing marriages, strained relationships, and a dozen other effects of the fall at your family gatherings. If your response is “Lord, thank you that I am not like these sinners” instead of “Lord, help me love them just like you loved me,” you can be sure there is a Satanist in your midst.
“I am right.” Often, Christians veer toward Satanism because we pride ourselves about knowing the truth. When someone at the table says “I don’t believe in hell because I believe in a God of love,” does your heart break over what that means for their soul or does your blood boil because of how they always goad you for your Christian beliefs? Satan is very present in that moment, and he might not be sitting on only one side of the table.
Just remember: Satan says, “I deserve to be served.” Jesus says, “I came to serve.”
What do you say?