Pastoral Care March 4, 2013
One of the most sobering texts in the Scriptures for apastor is Hebrews 13:17: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they arekeeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Letthem do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantageto you.”
On behalf of all the elders, I first want to thank youfor bringing us so much joy! The Parker Hills family has faithfully and eagerlyobeyed this command from the inspired writer, and you have definitely enabledus to serve with “joy and not with groaning.”
But this text is not just about you doing your part.It implies our part, too—to “keep watch over your souls” because someday we“will have to give an account.” Every day we serve this church—you yourself!—inthe awareness that someday soon God will ask us personally about your ownspiritual maturity. He has given us many sheep to tend, and they are all veryprecious to Him. We have come to realize that this responsibility goes far beyondwhat we can do during our weekly gatherings. We know full well that people canparticipate in all the normal functions of congregational life yet still notfeel and find themselves cared for, known, and truly shepherded the way ourChief Shepherd, Jesus, would do.
Therefore, we have determined to visit each member ofour church in his/her home at least once a year. We desire for the visit to befar more than just a social meeting however. We hope to inquire earnestly aboutyour spiritual health, your understanding of God, your sense of His work inyour life, your family relationships, your involvement with the church, andother matters of eternal concern. Of course, we want you to rest assured thatwe will not be rude or intrusive; rather, we want to make you happy! “Notthat we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy.” (2Cor 1:24)
Please help us with this endeavor by welcoming us intoyour home—and into your life. We are thanking God in advance for yourhospitality and cooperation! To refer once more to Hebrews 13:17, we hope thisministry from your elders “will be of advantage to you!” God blessyou.