Response to our Food Relief donation to Zimbabwe

In July PHBF donated $5,000 to Rand Gospel Mission for the relief of Christians in Zimbabwe.

Here is a response RGM has received and has forwarded to us on what $260 of the contributions have done.  I am reminded of Acts 11:27-30 and 2 Corinthians 8.


Hi bro, just some early feedback to encourage the believers at PHBF. As soon as we received your gift last week, we were immediately able to send the first of several gifts to Zim. Please see pics and write  ups. More to follow with the follow up gifts and also to other areas which I am busy working on the practical details currently.

God bless,

———- Forwarded message ———
Dear Brother Marlon

I know that God is a magnificent God and he continues to show me his magnificence through people like you, You are a gift and a blessing not to me alone but to many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord here in Zimbabwe. I thank you for your prayers, support and for always making sure that I am doing ok.  You do not know how much what you have done to us means but we shall forever be grateful for you. May the good Lord continue to bless you so that you will be able to continue with the good work.

Above I have attached nine photos. It was very difficult for me to share the gift that you gave me with brethren from Hunyani Assembly alone because I oversee the Lord’s work in different assemblies around the country. I am going to explain a little bit about each and every photo.

Three sisters standing next to an old white car. They are all widows. They all survive on vending. They are from my Assembly Hunyani and they are prayer warriors.


A sister in black jacket and her children holding some food stuffs.  The family rents a small room and they have seven children. The sister and all her children loves the Lord and the sister is expecting to be baptized soon.


The Mabvuku assembly. This is where bro Lewis  was raised.  We donated food stuffs mostly to the elderly who were very much in need.


Brother Onismo. We  used to serve the Lord together at the Emmaus office. He had a hip surgery last year and since then it is difficult for him to walk. He looks after five children.


A sister from Rugare assembly. She had just lost her husband in a case that is suspected to be covid 19. In Zimbabwe the government does not have the capacity to test all suspected cases hence a lot of people are dying without being tested.


A 93 years old brother from Rugare assembly who lives alone. After we gave him some food stuffs he was in tears.


A gifted evangelist who lives in total poverty. Before the lock down he was employed as a security guard. But since April he is out of work. He has a big family.


Brother David.  He had been unemployed for the past 6 years and he is very faithful in the children’s ministry. If you look closely at the photo he is holding his USD 20 that we gave him.


Lastly  is brother Edwell and family. He and his wife are illiterate. He has never been formally employed in his life. His life is very difficult. His family loves the lord. If you look closely at the photo the wife is holding USD $10.