Strong Points & Weak Points

Strong Points & Weak Points June 2, 2014

We don’t like to fail, but failing in our strong pointsblindsides us.  It’s not what weexpect.  We expect failure in our weakpoints.  But is this true?   Do we really fail in our strong points?  Consider Saul, Israel’sdefender;  he tried to kill the greaterdefender, David, and went to a medium for advice.  Faithful David loved God’s law but broke itwith adultery and murder.  What of thewise Solomon?   Deut. 17-16-20 lists thethings a king must not do.  It reads likeSolomon’s biography in 1 Kings.  Solomonwas required to write out a copy (as part of copying the whole Law).  How could he march through that list, knowinghe was foolishly doing wrong while being rightly famous for wisdom?

And what about Elijah, the man of faith who doubted Godwould save him from the murderous Jezebel? What of the bold Apostle Peter, who, after being warned he would do so,fearfully denied Jesus three times?  Inthe book of Acts he stopped associating with Gentile Christians out of fear ofman, despite God giving him a vision directing him to meet with those Gentiles.

What about our weak points?  Can we at least get success there?  Often we can, particularly because we’re morelikely to see our weaknesses and get help against them.  The danger is that we can give ourselves afree pass and willingly fail.  “I’m notgood with people.”  “I’m a doer; it’shard for me to be patient.”

Here’s why we’ve been given so many stories.  “Nowthese things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for ourinstruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone whothinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.” (1 Corinthians 10:11-12)

But it’s not enough to just know the problem.  What about some help?  “How you have helped him who has nopower!  How you have saved the arm thathas no strength!  How you have counseledhim who has no wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge!”  (Job 26:2-3)

Let’s consider God’s help.  Believers are not alone; the Holy Spiritworks in us and we obey, producing the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians5:16-26)  Believers are not alone; we arepart of the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:12-31).  Believers are not alone, we follow Christ deliberately,purposefully, and forcefully (1 Corinthians 9:26).  I hope to pursue these ideas together withyou in future columns.