The Questions We Need To Ask Them

The Questions We Need To Ask Them August 5, 2013

One of the most helpful books I’ve readthis summer regarding our study of “Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask”was Gregory Koukl’s Tactics. The book’s back-cover promise reads: “Tacticsteaches you how to maneuver comfortably and graciously as you share yourfaith with others. Learn how to navigate the mine fields, stop challengers intheir tracks, turn the tables and—most importantly—get people thinking aboutJesus. Tactics gives you the game plan for communicating the compellingtruth about Christianity with both confidence and grace.” In my judgment, thosepromises were kept as I’ve begun to apply Koukl’s suggestions in my ownconversations with unbelievers.

One of the main tools Koukl suggests weuse is careful questioning. In other words, the questions shouldn’t flow onlyone direction, i.e., from skeptics toward Christians. There are a whole bunchof questions we ought to ask them! I’ll let you read Koukl for yourself to getthe details on what types of questions to use, how to craft them, and when touse them. But I will give you a sample of the types of questions he suggestsand some that I’ve been using in recent weeks:

What do you mean by that? (one of Koukl’sfavorites – a great question to gather more information and take some of thepressure off of you)

How did you come to that conclusion? Whydo you say that? What are your reasons for holding that view? (great questionsto help you discern if their views are adequately supported; also a wonderfuldemonstration of respect and sincere interest) 

What do you mean by “God”? Can youexplain to me exactly what kind of God you reject? What kind of evidence wouldyou find acceptable for proof of God’s existence?

Have you read much of Jesus’ own wordsand teachings? Have you found anything He said that’s especially compelling orespecially bothersome to you?

How do you think we can find reliablefacts about something? Why does that seem like a credible source to you?

Do you think that if God exists, He coulduse people to write down exactly what He wants? Why, or why not?

Can you tell me why you think ifsomething is genetic, it must be right?  Or, do you think anybehavior is morally appropriate simply because it has a genetic link?