Updates for November 29, 2020


  • November 29 Bulletin.
  • We live stream services for those who can’t currently attend and as a backup, Google Meet (also live).
  • We begin live streaming about 5 minutes before the service begins.
  • Men’s Bible Studies meet at 6:30 AM or 6:30 PM on Wednesdays.  See Karl Peterson, Ryan King or Ed Grose for details.
  • Please watch our 20 November video announcement about dealing with Level Red COVID-19 restrictions.
    • Those who are under quarantine, not feeling well, have been tested but not received the results back, or who have been in direct contact with a person infected with the virus, please stay home from all church activities.  That will help us continue our meeting schedule and to help keep more vulnerable people healthy.
  • Masks are available.
  • Schedule
    • To manage the current restrictions we have two services:  9:00-10:00 AM, 10:30-11:30 AM
    • The second service will be live streamed on our normal links.
    • Our children’s program will only be during the second service.
    • We are pausing corporate prayer on Sunday, 9:45 – 10:15 am due to having 2 services.
    • As planned, we are returning to the auditorium and live streaming the service to the gym.


  • As a result of the new round of COVID restrictions, more people than ever in our community are in need. Parker Task force has sent out a plea for donations once again as they are very low on certain items. This is a the current list of needed items.
  • December 8 from 11:00am-1:00pm, PHBF will be collecting items at the church to deliver to Parker Task Force. We will be gathering items every other Tuesday again until the task force supplies are more replenished.
  • We encourage support of Parker Task Force because they are more than a food bank and deal with people in depth.  They interview people to understand their needs and help them find work.  They have an office in their building staffed by Douglas County Works.