Why Pray Together? January 5, 2015
The famous Puritan commentatorMatthew Henry once said: “Whenever God is preparing to do something great inthe earth, He first sets His people a-praying!” God must be preparing to dosomething great, because we’ve been experiencing a growing desire to praytogether at Parker Hills. To stir up that desire even more, here are a fewreasons praying together matters:
- Congregationalprayer is a distinguishing mark of the New Testament church. What were theydoing while they waited for the Holy Spirit? Praying (Acts 1:14). …afterPentecost? Praying (2:42). …after a threat from the authorities? Praying(4:24). …when Peter was in prison? Praying (12:12) …when Paul and Barnabas werecommissioned? Praying (13:3).
- Jesus attached aunique power to group prayer: “If two of you agree on earth about anything theyask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven” (Mt 18:19). E. M. Boundspresses the point home: “The life, power, and glory of the church is prayer.Without it, the church is lifeless and powerless.”
- Furthermore, JesusHimself promises to draw near when we join with others in prayer. “Where two orthree are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Mt 18:20). Want to be inJesus’ presence? Pray together.
- Praying withothers guards us against Satan’s attack. Prayer is one of Satan’s primarytargets in our lives, so we ought to develop strategies to protect ourselves.As I pray with others, I find that my own private prayers are inspired andinvigorated.
- Praying withothers teaches us to pray more effectively. Effective praying is learned (cf.Luke 11:1), and listening to others pray is a very helpful way to grow in ourown ability to pray.
So, what are you doing onSunday mornings around 9?