Annual Members Meeting
- The annual members’ meeting will be on January 31st at 3:30 PM.
- Details on the motions and access to the meeting (on Zoom) are here.
- Here is the corrected Annual Report.
Sunday Service
- January 31 Bulletin.
- We live stream services for those who can’t currently attend and as a backup, Google Meet (also live).
- Our longtime member, Chuck Williams passed away on Thursday. Due to COVID-19 the funeral will be family only. If you would like to send a note to his family, there will be a basket to drop one off this Sunday.
Parker Task Force current list of needed items.
February 9 from 11:00am-1:00pm, PHBF will be collecting items at the church to deliver to Parker Task Force. We will be gathering items every other Tuesday until the task force supplies are replenished.
Access to Our Services
- If you are a member and do not have a way to view our services on YouTube or if you have spare hardware that can help people view our services, please contact Jim Simons or the church office.
- For this and other use we can give a laptop and a desktop PC with these specifications, 2 GB RAM, Win XP license. It was used by a very young little old lady who only drove it on Sundays (and weekdays), and never above 2.66 GHz.