The Problem of Forgiveness

The Problem of Forgiveness May 30, 2011 Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity. The Scriptures ring with the joy and blessing of sins forgiven and conscience cleansed. “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (Ps...

Get Real, Part 5

Get Real, Part 5 May 23, 2011 My goal for this “Get Real” miniseries of columns has been pretty straightforward: to foster authenticity and genuine community within our church. Every time I watch a superhero movie, I ponder what superpowers I would like to...

Community, cont’d.

Community, cont’d. May 16, 2011 Last week I suggested that one of the best ways to foster community in our church is to fight sin in our own lives. The connection is simple: sin, even private personal sin, destroys community.Another way to fight for community is...

Authenticity Fosters Community

Authenticity Fosters Community May 9, 2011 For a couple weeks now, I’ve been trying to establish one simple point: authenticity fosters community. Assuming you agree, how do we fight the easy but disappointing tendency to keep to ourselves? How can we fight for...