Notable Quotes

Notable Quotes March 26, 2013 In last week’s sermon, we pondered the shocking warningfrom Exodus 23:21: “Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon yourtransgression.” This absolute denial of forgiveness reminded me of athought-provoking book on sin I read last...

Why We’re In Exodus

Why We’re In Exodus March 18, 2013 Exodus is an epic drama of fire and wind, water andblood. The story unfolds in a time 3,500 years ago and a place twice as manymiles away, in the very shadow of the Great Pyramids. The book includes some ofthe greatest and most...

Drawing Near

Drawing Near March 11, 2013 Have you ever noticed that the book of Exodus isn’tjust about that? The Israelites leave Egypt in chapter 12, but the bookkeeps going until chapter 40! Why? We get a clue from the familiar demand Godmakes of Pharaoh: “Let my people go.”...

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care March 4, 2013 One of the most sobering texts in the Scriptures for apastor is Hebrews 13:17: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they arekeeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Letthem do this with joy and not...