by Crystal | Oct 29, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Duties and Qualifications of Deacons October 29, 2012 What exactly do deacons do? Acts 6:1-7 gives us ourfullest introduction to the ministry of deacons. In this passage, certain needywidows in the Jerusalemchurch were being neglected in the daily distribution of...
by Crystal | Oct 22, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
The Christian Priority of Language October 22, 2012 Different people learn different ways. Some aremusical, others are visual, still others are logical/sequential. Educationalpsychology suggests there are around eight basic learning styles, and effectiveteachers try...
by Crystal | Oct 15, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Math vs The Creative Writer October 15, 2012 Math is so round/As I lay on the ground/Trees call meBaffled? I was, too, the first time I heard thoselines. We were in pre-calculus, sitting in the back row, struggling with somenew mathematical concept, when my friend...
by Crystal | Oct 8, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Things That Go Bump in the Night October 8, 2012 It seems to be a frequent bedtime refrain at our houselately: “I’m scared!” And more often than not, the night ends with our littleJulia sleeping somewhere in our room. When we ask her for specifics, she’snervous about...
by Crystal | Oct 1, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Helping Each Other Through Prayer October 1, 2012 I need help. Always. In everything. I’m kidding myselfto think I can move an inch without God’s help. God “himself gives all men lifeand breath and everything else” (Acts 17:25). And Jesus reminds us: “Apart...