Duties and Qualifications of Deacons

Duties and Qualifications of Deacons October 29, 2012 What exactly do deacons do? Acts 6:1-7 gives us ourfullest introduction to the ministry of deacons. In this passage, certain needywidows in the Jerusalemchurch were being neglected in the daily distribution of...

The Christian Priority of Language

The Christian Priority of Language October 22, 2012  Different people learn different ways. Some aremusical, others are visual, still others are logical/sequential. Educationalpsychology suggests there are around eight basic learning styles, and effectiveteachers try...

Math vs The Creative Writer

Math vs The Creative Writer October 15, 2012 Math is so round/As I lay on the ground/Trees call meBaffled? I was, too, the first time I heard thoselines. We were in pre-calculus, sitting in the back row, struggling with somenew mathematical concept, when my friend...

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Things That Go Bump in the Night October 8, 2012 It seems to be a frequent bedtime refrain at our houselately: “I’m scared!” And more often than not, the night ends with our littleJulia sleeping somewhere in our room. When we ask her for specifics, she’snervous about...

Helping Each Other Through Prayer

Helping Each Other Through Prayer October 1, 2012 I need help. Always. In everything. I’m kidding myselfto think I can move an inch without God’s help. God “himself gives all men lifeand breath and everything else” (Acts 17:25). And Jesus reminds us: “Apart...