Why Pray, pt. 2

Why Pray, pt. 2 January 27, 2015         Allbelievers acknowledge that prayer is a central, necessary part of the Christianlife. Most pray at least a little bit, some more than others. Yet almost allwould admit that their prayer lives are less than what they should...

Why Pray, pt. 1

Why Pray, pt. 1 January 20, 2015 Martin Luther suggested: “As it is thebusiness of tailors to make clothes and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is thebusiness of Christians to pray.” He’s certainly right, judging from texts like:“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17)...

Duties of Deacons

Duties of Deacons January 12, 2015 In a fewweeks, Lord willing, we will install several new individuals to the office ofdeacon. But people often wonder: what exactly do deacons do? I believe Acts6:1-7 gives us our fullest introduction to diaconal ministry. In this...

Why Pray Together?

Why Pray Together? January 5, 2015 WHY PRAYTOGETHER?The famous Puritan commentatorMatthew Henry once said: “Whenever God is preparing to do something great inthe earth, He first sets His people a-praying!” God must be preparing to dosomething great, because we’ve been...