What We Think We Know

What We Think We Know August 25, 2014   Is someone with fiftymillion dollars rich?  What if he borrowed it overnight and now owesthousands in interest?      The book, “The Millionaire Next Door”, systematicallydemolishes stereotypes of what a rich person looks like...

Finding Freedom

Finding Freedom August 18, 2014  To understand the faithfulness talked about inGalatians 5 we need to understand its theme.  Galatians 5:13-14 says, “Foryou were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as anopportunity for the flesh, but through love...

What’s the Good in Goodness?

What’s the Good in Goodness? August 11, 2014    Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5 but its definition is“the quality of being good”, so we need to know what good is.    When the rich young ruler casually referred to Jesus asgood, Jesus...