by Josh Waltz | Nov 26, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
The Last Enemy November 26, 2012 Standing by the graveside last Tuesday morning,watching Barb Williams’ casket descend into the ground, my heart was raginginside. I hate Death. He’s a robber and a thug. He pushes us around, breaks ourhearts, and destroys so much of...
by Crystal | Nov 19, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Why Mercy Ministry November 19, 2012 Whyis our church involved in ministries of mercy like Operation Christmas Child,the Thanksgiving meal outreach, or “Encompass” and “Circles” through ProvidenceBible Church of Denver? Five reasons:First,benevolence to the poor is...
by Crystal | Nov 12, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
“He Restores My Soul” November 12, 2012 Aslast Tuesday’s election returns came in, I grabbed my Bible. The schedule I’musing had me in Psalm 97 that day. Coincidence? I think not. Here’s what I readat 9:00 Tuesday evening: 1The Lord reigns, let the earth...
by Crystal | Nov 5, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
An Alien’s Perspective on Tuesday’s Election November 5, 2012 AN ALIEN’S PERSPECTIVE ON TUESDAY’S ELECTION I’m a citizen of a different kingdom (Phil 3:20), andso my interest in American politics is only as an outsider. I’m actually justhere as an...