by Josh Waltz | Jan 23, 2018 | A Pastor's Heart
I commend to you a book by a former pastor of mine: She’s Got The Wrong Guy by Deepak Reju. I’d like to convince you to read and benefit from it, and that you need more than the book. As a pastor I feel joy that our godly young women love and serve God, but...
by Josh Waltz | Jan 16, 2018 | A Pastor's Heart
One of the delights of being in a rich, high technology culture is that we can readily get excellent books. These books are being added to the church distributed library, and I would commend them to you. Jesus Made in America by Stephen Nichols – A Cultural History...
by Josh Waltz | Jan 8, 2018 | A Pastor's Heart
“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher. “All is vanity!” It’s the well-known and joyless refrain from Ecclesiastes—the obscure book we’re setting out to study for the next 3 months. Why would anyone ever choose to preach through this gloomy book? For one thing, this...
by Josh Waltz | Jan 4, 2018 | A Pastor's Heart
I first wrote this column in May. I believe it’s important enough to rerun frequently. I hope you agree. “Pastoral work, in large part, deals with the difficulty everyone has in staying alert to the magnificence of salvation.” So says Eugene Peterson (Five Smooth...