by Josh Waltz | Oct 23, 2016 | A Pastor's Heart
Every sermon gets better when the preacher must leave good material on the cutting room floor. In the final stages of editing my notes on Isaiah 40 last week, I slashed a whole section that I still really want you to think about! So here it is… You may recall the...
by Josh Waltz | Oct 16, 2016 | A Pastor's Heart
One of my seminary professors used to call baptism “Jesus’ altar call.” In other words, baptism is Jesus’ ordained response to the gospel. Are you a Christian? According to Jesus, you should show it by being baptized. If you claim to be a Christian and you’ve not been...
by Josh Waltz | Oct 9, 2016 | A Pastor's Heart
I’m a citizen of a different kingdom (Phil 3:20), and so my interest in American politics is only as an outsider. I’m just here as an ambassador, proclaiming a message for the King of all kings (2 Cor 5:20). I’m also a soldier, advancing the interests of my homeland...
by Josh Waltz | Oct 3, 2016 | A Pastor's Heart
How do Christians know for certain that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God? Because the Bible says so. But wait… isn’t that a circular argument? It’s true that you aren’t supposed to appeal to your premise to prove your conclusion. But when you’re...
by Josh Waltz | Oct 2, 2016 | A Pastor's Heart
Arguing with atheists is embarrassing. And I don’t mean it’s embarrassing for Christians. It’s embarrassing, not because the arguments for atheism are so strong, but because the arguments would be impossible to make if atheism were actually true. Only the existence of...