by Crystal | Jan 30, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Why Leviticus? January 30, 2012 WhyLeviticus?What’s the good of Leviticus? Have you ever puzzledover that? Back whenever it was that God chose 66 as the magic number for totalbooks in the Bible, I wonder what persuaded Him to give one of those preciouslyfew spots to a...
by Crystal | Jan 23, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Abortion, the Church, and the Gospel January 23, 2012 Today is the 39th anniversary of the SupremeCourt’s landmark decision legalizing abortion, Roe v. Wade. Since that time,around 50 million preborn babies have been killed. That’s 10x the population ofColorado, over...
by Crystal | Jan 16, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Don’t Stop Believing January 16, 2012 Itwas a ruined world, that ancient place where Abraham lived. Brutal, perverse,power-hungry, violent, and rebellious. The Lord’s universal verdict put itpretty plainly: “The intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth”...
by Crystal | Jan 9, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
Hard Thinking January 9, 2012 It’s 8:30 on Friday morning, and I’m writingthis column from a classroom in Louisville, Kentucky. I’ve been here for 3days, enjoying a refresher course for alumni of Southern Seminary. I use theword...
by Crystal | Jan 2, 2012 | A Pastor's Heart
A Call for Sharpshooters in 2012 January 2, 2012 A Call for Sharpshooters in 2012You might not realize it, but there are two approachesto expert marksmanship. The first is to train the crosshairs on the exactcenter of the target, take a deep breath, exhale about...