How God Guides — Part 6

How God Guides — Part 6 April 30, 2012 The conversation was moving along nicely—good give andtake, friendly rapport, engaging topic. My friend was facing an importantdecision, and we were working over her options together. Until she dropped thebomb: “I really...

How God Guides — Part 5

How God Guides — Part 5 April 23, 2012 Remember “Rob”? For over a month, I’ve been writingabout how God guides, and it all began with Rob, who lost his keys that onefictitious day here in Pastor’s Heart World. After searching everywhere andeven growing a little...

How God Guides –Part 4

How God Guides –Part 4 April 16, 2012 “But,” complained an earnest reader, “are you sure Goddoesn’t speak His will to people directly? That sure doesn’t feel verypersonal.” To which I answer: yes, I’m sure. The Bible does not teach that Godwill guide us to the...

Why the Resurrection Matters

Why the Resurrection Matters April 9, 2012 As a kid, Easter to me meant candy. I knew Jesus diedand rose; it just wasn’t something I really cared about. But candy? Now thatwas something I cared about deeply. What about you? What does the resurrection mean toyou?...

How God Guides — Part 3

How God Guides — Part 3 April 2, 2012 If God doesn’t guide through hunches, feelings, orrandom events (the assertion of last week’s column), how does He guide? He guides by His Spirit through the word of God.The Spirit’s voice is a mediated voice; it’s not an...