by Josh Waltz | Nov 26, 2023 | A Pastor's Heart
Today we’ll finish our thematic sermon series on knowing the love of God. For our finale, we’ll be considering the last several verses in the Book of Zechariah, which describe God so moved by His love for His people, He breaks out into a song of joy over them! It’s a...
by Josh Waltz | Nov 19, 2023 | A Pastor's Heart
Tonight we will celebrate our annual Thanksgiving Dinner together, and I want to encourage all of you to join us. Songs of praise, testimonies of thankfulness, and a bit of food (or maybe a lot?!) promise an evening of delight for body and soul. Speaking of...
by Josh Waltz | Nov 12, 2023 | A Pastor's Heart
Continuing to reflect on Jesus’ love, displayed as He washes the disciples’ feet in John 13… The room seems to have fallen completely silent, except for the splash of the water and the rustle of the towel. But when Jesus comes to Peter, he can’t restrain himself:...
by Josh Waltz | Nov 5, 2023 | A Pastor's Heart
What would it have been like to participate in the Last Supper with Jesus and the disciples in the Upper Room? To share bread and wine with Him in the hours before His death? Even to have Him wash your feet? Imagine the scene from John 13… The meal is about to...