Believing Promises

It was a ruined world, that ancient place where Abraham lived. Harsh, perverse, power-hungry, violent, and rebellious. The Lord’s universal verdict put it pretty plainly: “The intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen 8:21). It couldn’t have been more...

The Biggest Decisions

Most of the biggest decisions in my life were determined by single, casual conversations along the way. Moments that appeared to be completely ordinary turned out to be life changing. Talks I hadn’t even planned turned to topics I hadn’t considered, and everything...

Seminar in Biblical Counseling

Dr. Greg Cook, counseling pastor of Christ Chapel in Fort Worth, Texas, and certified with the Association of Biblical Counselors, will be with us on Friday at 7 PM, October 11th and Saturday at 9 AM, October 12th, for training in this important area of ministry....

Fall Women’s Retreat

Join us on Saturday, October 19 from 9 am to 3 pm. Our speaker will be Jen Oshman, a Parker mom of four, a pastor’s wife, a missionary, author, and podcaster.  We’re privileged to have her speak to us on the book of Galatians, which calls us to depend on...