Summer Sabbatical

Summer Sabbatical May 27, 2014 This will,Lord willing, be the last back-page column I write for you until Labor Dayweekend. Jim Simons has kindly volunteered to take over this duty while I’m onsabbatical for the summer. Thank you, Jim. Write your heart out, Sir! I...

A Fruitful Summer

A Fruitful Summer May 20, 2014 John15:1-11 is one of my favorite passages in the Scriptures. Most of the best oflife is there: intimacy, joy, love, personal fruitfulness, answered prayer,cleansing from sin, the glory of God. What could be better than this? In...

Here for the Whole City

Here for the Whole City May 12, 2014 When Godoriginally created the world, Genesis 1:31 says He looked it over and saw thateverything was “very good.” Everything was in its place. In a word, creationenjoyed “shalom.” Putting it in a word picture, shalom means the...

Cover Sin With Love

Cover Sin With Love May 5, 2014 Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, wasreminded one day of a vicious deed that someone had done to her years before;but she acted as if she had never heard of the incident. “Don’t you rememberit?” her friend asked. “No,”...