Everyone Lives By Faith

Everyone Lives By Faith May 27, 2013                Have you ever felt like you’re at a disadvantage whendealing with a skeptical unbeliever because you, as a Christian, have to acceptcertain things on faith but he doesn’t? Don’t feel that way anymore. Why not?Because...

Our Upcoming Sermon Series

Our Upcoming Sermon Series May 20, 2013 Why are you a Christian? Namethe top three reasons. Now answer this: what are the top three reasons you knowyou’re right about being a Christian instead of something else (like a Muslimor an atheist)? Our summer sermon series...

Notable Quotes

Notable Quotes May 13, 2013 Everysermon requires that the preacher leave good material on the cutting roomfloor. You just don’t have time—and the listeners don’t have the patience orendurance—to say everything worth saying. So every Sunday, worthy points getleft...

Talking To People About God, Part 2

Talking To People About God, Part 2 May 8, 2013 The final installment of my musings on Colossians 3:3-6(which, for sake of space, you’ll have to look up yourself). In verse 6, Paulinstructs us to speak in a manner “always full of grace,” and for good reason.The gospel...