The Cross & Culture, Pt. 3

The Cross & Culture, Pt. 3 July 29, 2013 As you readthe paper, take in the news, watch movies, listen to the songs, observe thefashions—in short, as you take in samples of our culture—are you more apt toaffirm what you find or to criticize it? Do you tend to be...

The Cross & Culture, Pt. 2

The Cross & Culture, Pt. 2 July 22, 2013 “Hi, I’mPaul. I’ve been sent to tell you that you’re a sinner but God loves you andJesus died for your sins. Good news, huh? Wanna pray with me?” Not quitehow Paul’s typical sermon went, is it? Especially not in Athens...

The Cross & Culture

The Cross & Culture July 15, 2013 When thegospel comes into contact with any human culture, which reaction would you sayis most prominent: confrontation or affirmation? Does the gospel primarilyconfront sins, mistaken notions, and misplaced cultural values? Or...

Notable Quotes

Notable Quotes July 8, 2013 In keepingwith our series “Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask,” ponder theseselections from Tim Keller’s The Reason for God:”With time and perspective most of us can seegood reasons for at least some of the tragedy and pain...

What Same-Sex Marriage Means For The Church

What Same-Sex Marriage Means For The Church July 1, 2013 The Supreme Court has spoken on two historic cases,using arguments about human dignity and equal protection to defend same-sexmarriage. And just like that, our situation as Bible-believing Christiansbecame more...