by Crystal | Sep 29, 2014 | A Pastor's Heart
Values For Corporate Worship, pt. 2 September 29, 2014 What arethe values that unite us in corporate worship? And what are we aiming for whenwe gather together on Sunday morning? Last week Idescribed the primary value that unites us on Sunday and every day—namely,...
by Crystal | Sep 22, 2014 | A Pastor's Heart
God Centered Worship September 22, 2014 Lastweek’s column was a meditation on the fact that, according to the NewTestament, all of life is worship. Yet it remains true that our Sundaygathering is uniquely devoted to activities and attitudes of worship in...
by Crystal | Sep 15, 2014 | A Pastor's Heart
All Of Life As Worship September 15, 2014 Worshipinvolves all of life. We worship when we desire or praise or surrender or obeyor thank or serve or trust or rejoice or regret or love. Every one of these isan expression of worship because each of these indicates...
by Crystal | Sep 8, 2014 | A Pastor's Heart
Thinking or Acting? September 8, 2014 ProfessorTimothy Wilson ran a study indicating that spending 15 minutes alone with ourthoughts is so difficult that half of people cheat by doing somethingelse. When given the option, half choose to give themselves a...
by Crystal | Sep 1, 2014 | A Pastor's Heart
Love, The Final Word September 1, 2014 Ourage is a marvel. Earlier generations worked very hard just to get food,much less a balanced diet; but we easily and inexpensively buy fresh out ofseason food from around the world. What is still difficult, and perhaps...