Alert to Magnificence

“Pastoral work, in large part, deals with the difficulty everyone has in staying alert to the magnificence of salvation.” So says Eugene Peterson (Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work). I believe he’s right. Do you really know what it means to be “saved”? Read on....

What’s your goal for your daily Bible reading?

What’s your goal for your daily Bible reading? For years, I’ve tried to follow George Mueller’s suggestion to “get my soul happy in God.” What I’ve found is that I need to write out my meditations in order to get my heart truly engaged. For a sample of what I’m...

What Does Baptism Do?

One of my seminary professors used to call baptism “Jesus’ altar call.” In other words, baptism is the immediate response to the gospel Jesus Himself ordained for His followers. Are you a Christian? Show it by being baptized. If you claim to be a Christian and you’ve...

Knowing & Using the Book of Proverbs

Our first Core Seminar for the new year will be held this Saturday, February 9th, from 9:00 a.m. until Noon. The purpose of these seminars is to add to our teaching and equipping ministry through brief studies in the areas of Bible/theology, equipping for ministry,...